上一篇文章 [[理解债务危机 3:通缩性债务周期详解]] 详细介绍了通缩性债务危机所经历的七个阶段,其中讲到在各阶段可以使用的政策,本文将债务危机
上一篇文章 [[理解债务危机 2:债务周期模型]] 回答了为什么债务危机具有周期性,介绍了债务周期上行和下行阶段的自我强化,并简单介绍了债务危机的
上一篇文章 理解债务危机 1:货币与银行 主要介绍了理解债务危机所需要的前置知识,并介绍了银行是如何创造货币的。本篇文章基于上一篇文章的基础,进一
A common belief is that people choose to save when young, expecting thereby to maintain their living standards after retirement. Any assets that remain at death, this theory says, will usually be left to their families or, possibly, to friends and philanthropy. Our experience has differed. We believe Berkshire’s individual holders largely to be of the once-a-saver, always-a-saver variety. Though
沃尔特·施洛斯是谁?沃尔特·施洛斯(Walter Schloss)是知名的美国投资者,被誉为价值投资领域的传奇人物之一。他于1916年生于纽约
Whatever our form of ownership, our goal is to have meaningful investments in businesses with both durable economic advantages and a first-class CEO. Please note particularly that we own stocks based upon our expectations about their long-term business performance and not because we view them as vehicles for timely market moves. That point is crucial: Charlie and I are not stock-pickers; we are business-pickers. 无论我们拥有
开一个合集,记录巴菲特致股东信中的重点内容。 为什么应该阅读伯克希尔致股东信?沃伦·巴菲特的致股东信被全球许多投资者、商业领袖和经济学家誉为宝